How do I add a folder automation to my Project?

Automations in Studio Prime let you set up custom workflows that perform preset actions on documents in a specified Project folder. For more information, see the Automations page.

Note:  When a Member is removed from the Prime account, any automations that had been set up on their Projects will become non-functional.

To add a folder automation to a Studio Project, do the following:

  1. Log into the Studio Prime portal.
  2. Click Automations. The Automations page is opened to the Active tab by default.

  3. Click Create New. The Automation Configuration panel appears.

  4. Select the Studio Project to which this automation will apply from the Project list.
  5. Select the input folder from the available Project folders by clicking in the Folder field, then selecting the desired Project folder in the dialog box that appears and clicking Go. This is the Project folder Studio Prime will monitor going forward.

    Note:  Input folders can only be attached to one automation at a time.

    Warning: Making changes to either the Project folder or the Input folder will render the automation non-functional.

  6. Select one of the following options from the Start Processing Files When menu:
  7. Enter a name for this automation in the Automation Name field.
  8. Enter a brief description of the Automation in the Description field (optional).
  9. Click Save. A list of available automations appears.

  10. Click Edit for the desired automation type to determine what actions are applied to files of the specified type in the input folder. You can configure as many of the available automation types as desired.
  11. Configure the file options, when applicable. The configuration details for each is described below.







  12. Add Actions by doing the following:
    1. Click Add.
    2. Select the desired action from the menu that appears.
    3. Click the check to add the selected action.
    4. Configure the action, when applicable. The configuration options for each action is described below.
    5. Repeat this process to add more actions, as desired.
  13. Arrange the actions according to the desired workflow, as applicable. Each action will be executed in the order shown, so arrange prerequisite actions accordingly.

    Warning: If these workflows are not constructed carefully, some actions may have unintended effects on those that follow. Be sure to consider the order of actions when building a workflow.

  14. Select the output folder from the available Project folders by clicking in the File Output Path field, then selecting the desired Project folder in the dialog box that appears and clicking Go. This is the Project folder Studio Prime will use to deposit the files it generates.
  15. To add a prefix and/or a suffix to the name of output files, enter it in the Add Prefix and/or Add Suffix field, as appropriate.

    Note:  The characters \ / : * ? " < > | cannot be used in these fields.

  16. To save the pages of multi-page files as individual files, select Split pages to individual files.
  17. Click Save. The Automation is now saved and ready for use.

Automation Action Configuration Options

Below are brief descriptions of each of the Automation Actions (or scripts) that can be run on PDFs through Studio Prime Automations.

Note:  While every script can be run on any PDF, not all of them will have an effect on every PDF. For example, the Flatten script would have no discernible effect on a PDF which contains nothing to flatten; it would still be run on that PDF, there just would be no obvious effect.

Create PDF/A Report: This action will create a PDF/A report verifying that the file is a valid PDF/A archive.

Delete Pages: This action will delete specified pages from the resulting PDF.

Export Form Data: This action export the form data of the resulting PDF and save it as a separate document.

Export Markup: This action will export the markups of the resulting PDF and save them to a separate document. Exported markup files will automatically have the prefix "markups_" added to their name.

Extract Pages: This action will extract specified pages of the resulting PDF and save them as a separate document.

Flatten: This action will flatten the markups on specified pages of the resulting PDF.

Header and Footer: This action will add a header and/or footer to the resulting PDF.

Import Custom Columns: This action will import the custom Markups List columns from an existing Project file into the resulting PDF.

Insert Blank Pages: This action insert blank pages into the resulting PDF.

Insert Pages: This action will insert pages from another Project file into the resulting PDF.

Process Colors: This action manipulates the colors of the resulting PDF by changing a selected color to another color, or making color PDFs either greyscale or black and white.

Reduce File Size: This action will attempt to reduce the size of the resulting PDF by compressing images and/or removing non-visible document data, as specified.

Note:  Performing this action on a page containing flattened markups will prevent all markups on the page from being unflattened.

Repair: This action will attempt to repair selected display issues of the resulting PDF.

Note:  Performing this action on a page containing flattened markups will prevent all markups on the page from being unflattened.

Reverse Pages: This action will reverse the page order of the resulting PDF.

Rotate Pages: This action will rotate specified pages of the resulting PDF.

Save As PDF/A: This action will also save the resulting PDF as a PDF/A archive.

Stamp: This action will place a selected stamp on specified pages of the resulting PDF. A preview window is offered to represent the general area on the PDF where the stamp will be placed, though the exact placement of each stamp will depend on a variety of factors, including page size and any offsets you define.

Note:  Stamps requiring user input, for example dynamic stamps, cannot be automated. Using any such stamp in an Automation will cause it to fail, resulting in no output.

Unflatten: This action will unflatten applicable markups on specified pages of the resulting PDF. Not all markups are subject to unflattening.